Linda Rowett

Linda is the Counselling Director.  She was born in Zimbabwe and moved to Ireland in 2008.

She is accredited with the IACC (Irish Association of Christian Counsellors), and has completed training in Ireland, the UK and South Africa. She holds a BA (Hons) in Community and Family, a Diploma in Christian Counselling, and a Diploma in Supervision of Counsellors.


Linda has been counselling for over 25 years and is experienced in working with complex family issues including trauma and abusive situations. She has managed counselling centres in both Ireland and South Africa. In addition, she was a counselling trainer with Philippi Trust in South Africa; as well as counselling people living with HIV and facilitating support groups for adults and psychosocial camps for vulnerable children. 


Linda has a real concern for people who are grappling with fear, isolation, hopelessness and are in need of encouragement and understanding. She desires to see communities strengthened, particularly where the church can provide a “healing community” to those in need.


Linda is divorced, has three married children, 5 grandchildren. She loves people, gardening, playing the guitar and socializing over a “cuppa”.


She can be contacted on 085 1140983 to arrange for counselling with any of our counselors.

Hope Counselling is part of Hope Trust, an Irish registered charity No 16931 

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